Monday, January 13, 2014

Rules about questions about moving to Berlin

I've also had a lot of people ask me questions about moving to Berlin. I guess they have been following me on FB and on my blog and I piqued their interest.

Some rules must be laid down, however. Only two.

1. I am totally open to answering questions. I will answer until the cows freaking come home. But don't try to get me to talk you into moving here, and then have a rebuttal ready for everything I say. Either you are genuinely interested and really want to know how it is, or you don't ask me. I am not here to convince you, and I am not here to listen to your whiny excuses.  "I live in my parents' basement and have a shitty job in customer service, and I hate my life, but Berlin is far away. I heard it's cold. I don't speak German. It's far away."  No shit, Sherlock. It's far away.  Yes, there is a language that is not English. It's freaking in EUROPE and you are in AMERICA. It's not going to be the same and you shouldn't expect it to be.  Either you deal with it, or you stay in your comfy little security blanket and be happy with the same old thing.

2. On the other hand.. If it's something you really want to do but are afraid, I will talk to you about that. It can be hard to give up everything and move to a new country, but I think it's a very challenging, rewarding, must-do life experience.  Be open, be honest with me, but also be receptive to what I say.

Just two rules. Can you handle that? If not, don't ask me anything, because you will just annoy me and probably make me think less of you.

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