So, tomorrow is the big night.. The last day of the year. Let's have a recap about 2013, shall we?
January: On my BIRTHDAY -- had the worst injury of my life thus far. Severe and instantaneous swelling inside my right ankle, which was breaking apart the ligaments, tendons, and bones from the inside out. Had 9mL of liquid removed using a very large needle which went all the way through my leg, and I felt all of it because the local anesthetic wasn't working. Pain? Yeah, now I know I can handle pain.
Best birthday ever. Not. |
Missed out on a trip to Hong Kong because of that, but made it to Phuket for a very fun company Sales Kickoff. The kickoff was a pivotal point for me -- I realized how much I hated working for my manager and that I wouldn't be able to stand it much longer.
Thailand! |
Thailand |
Thailand |
Tiger Club night |
After Phuket, I visited my then-boyfriend in France. We traveled to Rome, which is when I got my first stomach virus. Definitely not the best place to get sick. I spent the weekend in the hotel bed, but my boyfriend took care of me and explored the city by himself while I was bent over the toilet. BUT.. We arrived the day that Pope Benedict abdicated! It was a crazy time. News crews everywhere. We also visited my brother in Naples and had amazing food courtesy of the landlord Ugo, my brother's adopted father.
Roma |
Camera crews waiting for the new pope to be announced |
I met Bruno's family for the first time. We visited his mother and stepfather in Condorcet, in southern France. They are very New Age, very into spirituality and healing and being at one with everything. I've never felt more at ease and relaxed than the days I spent at their home. Crazy as it sounds, they helped heal my ankle which was still messed up from a month earlier.
Then we went to Lyon, where I went to my first soccer game! It was freezing cold but it was so much fun to jump and yell and cheer and sing the team's songs.
Olympique Lyonnais! ALLEZ L'OL! |
Then at the end of March it was back to SF...
My view of the city on my way home. Little did I know it would be the last time I'd see it from here |
After my return home.. Everything changed. Literally. More to come in Installment 2
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